Page 12 - Cost Recovery - Arlington Parks and Recreation
P. 12
Consistent Growth Year-Over-Year
Determine Participation Details
• Determine if the program requires a certain
minimum or projected participation rate
• Confirm the number of people that can safely
be in the space to be used for the program
• Calculate total costs and spread across the
projected participation rate to determine fee
calculation by individual
Forecast Demand for Program
• Identify additional requirements if extra
sessions of the program offering are added
• Determine if a waiting list can/should be
utilized if the program is full
Determine Participation Details
• Determine if the program requires a certain
minimum or projected participation rate
• Confirm the number of people that can safely
be in the space to be used for the program
• Calculate total costs and spread across the
projected participation rate to determine fee
calculation by individual
Forecast Demand for Program
• Identify additional requirements if extra
sessions of the program offering are added
• Determine if a waiting list can/should be
utilized if the program is full