Page 12 - POPS - Action Plan
P. 12


            Strategic direction 2. improve the network of trails to, within, and between public spaces to increase
            access and enhance connectivity.
            Action 2.1. Expand Arlington’s network of connected multi-use trails.
                   Responsible Parties  Potential Partners  Potential funding Sources  Time frame   Cost Range Est.
            2.1.1.   Complete an “inner loop” of protected routes that connects the Custis, Four Mile Run, Arlington Boulevard, and Mount Vernon Trails.
                   DES, DPR          BAC, PAC, bicycle advocacy   Capital budget, grants, state   long term   $$$
                                     groups                 funding                  (10–20 years)

            2.1.2.   Complete an “outer loop” of protected routes that connects the Four Mile Run, Mount Vernon, and Zachary Taylor Trails.
                   DES, DPR          BAC, PAC, bicycle advocacy   Capital budget, grants, state   long term   $$$
                                     groups                 funding                  (10–20 years)

            2.1.3.   Evaluate opportunities to create better connections across or around current barriers, including the George Washington Memorial
                   Parkway, I-395, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, the National Foreign Affairs Training Center, Arlington National Cemetery, and the
                   Army Navy Country Club.
                   DES, DPR          NPS, Department of Defense,   Capital budget, state and federal   continuous  $$$
                                     VDOT, adjacent property   funding

            2.1.4.   Connect Long Bridge Park to the District of Columbia via the Mount Vernon Trail and the Long Bridge.
                   DPR, DES          NPS, BAC, PAC, Washington   Capital budget, state and federal   medium term   $$$
                                     Area Bicyclist Association  funding             (5–10 years)

            2.1.5.   Create safe routes to parks and other public spaces by filling gaps in sidewalks and trails that connect public spaces to
                   neighborhoods, schools, transit stations, and other County facilities.
                   DES, DPR          APS, VDOT              Operating budget, capital budget  continuous  $$$

            2.1.6.   Improve and add connections to adjacent trail systems beyond the County, and show connections on signage and in communication
                   DES, DPR          NPS, NOVA Parks, BAC, PAC,   Capital budget, operating budget,   medium term   $$$
                                     neighboring jurisdictions  grants               (5–10 years)

            Action 2.2. Ensure trails function for a range of users.
                   Responsible Parties  Potential Partners  Potential funding Sources  Time frame   Cost Range Est.
            2.2.1.   Compile and clarify design standards for all types of trails.
                   DES, DPR          NPS, NOVA Parks, PAC, BAC  Capital budget, operating budget  short term (0–5   $$

            2.2.2.   Use striping on primary multi-use trails to separate traffic moving in opposite directions.
                   DES, DPR          NOVA Parks, NPS        Capital budget, operating budget  short term (0–5   $$

            2.2.3.   Ensure paved, Primary and Secondary Multi-Use Trails meet the minimum width as described in the Existing Public Space System,
                   Trails section of this document.
                   DES, DPR          NOVA Parks, BAC, PAC, PRC  Capital budget, operating budget  medium term   $$$
                                                                                     (5–10 years)

            2.2.4.   Separate modes, where space allows, on high traffic trail routes and where user conflicts commonly occur.
                   DES, DPR          NOVA Parks, NPS        Capital budget           medium term    $$$
                                                                                     (5–10 years)

            FINAL DRAFT
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