Page 14 - POPS - Action Plan
P. 14


            Strategic direction 2. improve the network of trails to, within, and between public spaces to increase
            access and enhance connectivity.
                   Responsible Parties  Potential Partners  Potential funding Sources  Time frame   Cost Range Est.
            2.4.4.   Add location identifiers, potentially integrated into wayfinding signage, at regular intervals along trails for issues/emergencies as
                   well as mile markers.
                   DES, DPR          BAC, PAC               Capital budget, operating budget  medium term   $$$
                                                                                     (5–10 years)

            2.4.5.   Improve wayfinding signage at trailheads, trail intersections and major destinations.
                   DPR, DES          BAC, PAC               Capital budget, operating budget  short term  $$
                                                                                     (0–5 years)

            Action 2.5. Better coordinate planning for and management of trails.

                   Responsible Parties  Potential Partners  Potential funding Sources  Time frame   Cost Range Est.
            2.5.1.   Coordinate park or street projects with trail projects to ensure more efficient use of funding, comprehensive planning and design,
                   and less impact on public space users.
                   DPR, DES          BAC, PAC               Operating budget         continuous     $

            2.5.2.   Work with the NPS, NOVA Parks, and neighboring jurisdictions to explore developing new trail facilities on non-County land and
                   ensure high standards of trail design, operation and management.
                   DPR, DES          NPS, NOVA Parks, neighboring  Capital budget    medium term    $$$
                                     jurisdictions                                   (5-10 years)

            2.5.3.   Consider joining the Capital Trails Coalition or similar organizations, to ensure that trail planning is coordinated region-wide.
                   DPR, DES          Capital Trails Coalition  Operating budget      continuous     $

            FINAL DRAFT
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